- In 2013, there are 125 Mosquito Squad locations, and in 2014 it's projected to grow to 150 different locations around the country!
- Mosquito Squad was ranked #862 of the list of 5000 companies, putting it in the top 20%.
- This is a big feat to make this list 3 years in a row, and we couldn't do it without the help of all our loyal customers and fans and the hard work we provide to serve you!
Mosquito control is now a reality thanks to Mosquito Squad, the mosquito exterminator. Our affordable, effective and convenient mosquito control solutions offer something for everyone.
Serving Southeastern Minnesota
Serving the Rochester and Southeastern Minnesota area since 2010.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Mosquito Squad Named One of Fastest Growing Companies!
Congratulations to all Mosquito Squad's around
the country for being named one of the nation's fastest growing private
company for the THIRD year in a row by Inc. Magazine!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
World Mosquito Day
Although we do not have to deal with malaria, we have the West Nile Virus to deal with and that can also be potentially dangerous. Call Mosquito Squad today to stop those mosquitoes in your yard, so you can enjoy your time outside without having to worry about mosquitoes and what diseases they may carry. Check out our website and the Malaria No More website above to learn more about mosquitoes and what you can do to help others around the world!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Tick Killing Robot
And what did the professors find? On their first trial run with the robot, there were 50 ticks in the specific area, and after they ran the robot, they found they eliminated 45 out of the 50 ticks. What a huge improvement!! To learn more about this impressive robot, check it out here: http://www.tricities.com/news/local/article_81177c3a-f969-11e2-a89c-001a4bcf6878.html
Of course, this is not available to residential areas yet, they still need to do a few test runs. But if you are looking for tick elimination, give Mosquito Squad a call!! We offer barrier sprays which kill the adult ticks, and tick tubes which kill the nymph-stage ticks. The tick season is bad this year, and ticks can carry dangerous diseases that affect you and your pets. If you want to avoid those nasty creatures and enjoy your yard, give us a call today!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
10 Interesting Facts About Mosquitoes
If you want to get rid of these pesky animals from your yard, give us a call today!! We can eliminate up to 85% of those mosquitoes from your yard, leaving you to enjoy your outside time without the buzzing of mosquitoes. If you want to learn more about our services, give us a call or visit our website today!
Monday, August 5, 2013
West Nile Virus Not to Be Taken Lightly
We have reached August and with August comes the higher threat of mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus. This virus has not always been present in Minnesota, the first case was recorded in 2002 and it has been present in almost every county and every year ever since. But how frequent is the West Nile virus? About 1 in 150 people bit by the mosquito that carries West Nile will contract more severe symptoms that damage the central nervous system, and about survivors can suffer long-term effects for the rest of their lives. Although most people don't need to worry, most people when bitten by a West Nile mosquito won't show symptoms or will develop a mild fever and mild aches. West Nile virus was on a down slide for a few years after it came to Minnesota, but last year was the worst year we have seen, with 70 recorded cases and 1 death. So far in Minnesota, there has only been one recorded case of West Nile virus this year, but that still means people need to be cautious when they are outside around mosquitoes. Here is more information on West Nile in Minnesota: http://www.perhamfocus.com/content/editorial-dont-dismiss-west-nile-threat-mosquitoes-0
If you want to avoid West Nile and mosquitoes for the rest of the summer, give Mosquito Squad a call! We can eliminate mosquitoes from your backyard and keep you safe from the diseases they carry. Mosquitoes who carry West Nile are going to be more active now that it is later in summer, so give us a call or visit our website for more information on how we can protect you!
If you want to avoid West Nile and mosquitoes for the rest of the summer, give Mosquito Squad a call! We can eliminate mosquitoes from your backyard and keep you safe from the diseases they carry. Mosquitoes who carry West Nile are going to be more active now that it is later in summer, so give us a call or visit our website for more information on how we can protect you!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Glad I'm Not in Alaska!
You can see that the mosquitoes are EVERYWHERE! Even though we thought the mosquitoes were bad in Minnesota this season, I'm just glad it wasn't this bad! But if you want to get rid of those mosquitoes in your backyard, give us a call! Especially with the threat of West Nile virus rising, we want to help protect you and your family, and have you be able to enjoy your yard whenever you want. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help and protect you!
Friday, July 26, 2013
First West Nile Virus Case
The first human West Nile virus case of 2013 in Minnesota was recently recorded. A man from Murray County became ill with the virus in early July and is currently recovering. This is a sign that we are now entering high risk West Nile virus season, and when spending time outdoors people need to start being careful. A way to help prevent this virus is to wear bug repellant, especially with DEET or permethrin added to it.
Most people who come in contact with West Nile virus don't even realize they have it, they don't show any symptoms. Symptoms usually come up 3-15 days after the mosquito has bit you, and the typical symptoms are high fever, muscle aches, headache, and some paralysis. If you begin to show symptoms like this or not feeling well, seek help immediately before it grows into something worse. If people don't get treated right when they start to see symptoms, the illness can spread and can cause neurological damage. Fox 9 has more of the story here: http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/story/22932235/first-west-nile-virus-case-of-2013-hits-minnesota
As you can see, this can potentially be a very dangerous disease if not treated right away. At Mosquito Squad, we want to protect you in any way we can, and we can eliminate 85-90% of mosquitoes in your yard. This would be especially helpful now that we are entering into high risk West Nile virus season, so you can enjoy your time outside without worrying about mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. Give us a call today, so you can be protected for the rest of summer!
Most people who come in contact with West Nile virus don't even realize they have it, they don't show any symptoms. Symptoms usually come up 3-15 days after the mosquito has bit you, and the typical symptoms are high fever, muscle aches, headache, and some paralysis. If you begin to show symptoms like this or not feeling well, seek help immediately before it grows into something worse. If people don't get treated right when they start to see symptoms, the illness can spread and can cause neurological damage. Fox 9 has more of the story here: http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/story/22932235/first-west-nile-virus-case-of-2013-hits-minnesota
As you can see, this can potentially be a very dangerous disease if not treated right away. At Mosquito Squad, we want to protect you in any way we can, and we can eliminate 85-90% of mosquitoes in your yard. This would be especially helpful now that we are entering into high risk West Nile virus season, so you can enjoy your time outside without worrying about mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. Give us a call today, so you can be protected for the rest of summer!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
A Little Insect Can Cause A Lot Of Harm
John Langley was living a normal life just outside of Dallas, Texas last year, until disaster struck. He began to not feel well, then suddenly one morning his temperature soared and his body began to cramp up. His wife rushed him to the hospital and they found out what was wrong: Langley had been infected with the West Nile virus. After being in a medically induced coma for a month, Langley finally woke up and found that he was paralyzed from his neck down and needed a respirator to help him breathe. Today, he can breathe on his own again, but he's working on getting his other muscles back in gear since the disease made his muscles so weak. He used to be able to do handy work around the house, but now he has troubles just flexing his fingers every day, and this is all because of one tiny little insect: The mosquito.
West Nile virus is something we should not take lightly. Although most people do not show symptoms when they are diagnosed with West Nile, some people will show symptoms and it's important to get help as soon as you see the symptoms, before any worse damage can happen. In 2012, the West Nile virus was the worst we had seen since it has been introduced to the United States. Read more about the story here: http://news.yahoo.com/west-nile-virus-victim---it%E2%80%99s-hard-to-believe-that-a-bug-can-do-all-this--140424593.html
As you can see, one little mosquito can cause a lot of damage, and we are starting to approach the prime season for mosquitoes and West Nile. This is why we want to help you. At Mosquito Squad, we can eliminate mosquitoes for you in your backyard, so you don't have to worry about those nasty insects and be outdoors worry free. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) today so we can start protecting you and your family for the rest of summer!
West Nile virus is something we should not take lightly. Although most people do not show symptoms when they are diagnosed with West Nile, some people will show symptoms and it's important to get help as soon as you see the symptoms, before any worse damage can happen. In 2012, the West Nile virus was the worst we had seen since it has been introduced to the United States. Read more about the story here: http://news.yahoo.com/west-nile-virus-victim---it%E2%80%99s-hard-to-believe-that-a-bug-can-do-all-this--140424593.html
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Summer Tick Season
Lyme disease can be a potentially dangerous disease, and this is why it is important to know what to look for. Symptoms are fever, headache, fatigue, temporary facial paralysis, muscle and joint aches, and the most obvious symptom is a red bull's eye rash that indicates where the tick latched on. Long-term effects can be avoided as long as people know what to look for and they seek treatment right away. The Pioneer Press has more of this story here: http://www.twincities.com/localnews/ci_23718333/summer-tick-blame-metros-late-spring
At Mosquito Squad, we can help fight those ticks and keep you, your family, and pets safe this summer. We provide barrier spray treatments that work to eliminate adult ticks, and we also provide tick tubes, which work to kill nymph stage ticks. Give us a call today to learn more about both of these options and so you don't have to worry about those little ticks anymore!!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Mosquitoes May Finally Return to Normal
The mosquito population has tripled this year, according to researchers and this is due to the winter that seemed to last forever. Usually mosquitoes hatch in increments starting in the spring, but this year they all seemed to hatch at once and this is why the mosquitoes seem so bad this year. We didn't really have a spring, so when it warmed up, the mosquitoes thought it was time to hatch and attack humans so they can't enjoy their yards.
But there's finally some good news with mosquitoes: The broods of mosquitoes should be done hatching and for the rest of summer, it should feel like a normal mosquito season and not like an over-abundance of mosquitoes. But this still isn't a good thing. With the mosquitoes that are going to be left as we approach August, these are the mosquitoes that are most likely to have West Nile Virus. Mosquitoes who are still around in August are the ones who have been around all summer, for the first half of summer they spend their time biting birds who carry West Nile, and the second half of summer they will search for humans to feed on. This is why people need to be even more careful when they're going outside, because the West Nile threat is just beginning and will continue to grow once August gets here. Check out the article from the Star Tribune for more information: http://www.startribune.com/local/216519001.html?page=all&prepage=1&c=y#continue
Mosquito Squad can help keep you safe this August!! We can eliminate those pesky and dangerous -mosquitoes from your yard, so you don't have to worry and can enjoy your time outside. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) to protect you and your family for the rest of summer!
But there's finally some good news with mosquitoes: The broods of mosquitoes should be done hatching and for the rest of summer, it should feel like a normal mosquito season and not like an over-abundance of mosquitoes. But this still isn't a good thing. With the mosquitoes that are going to be left as we approach August, these are the mosquitoes that are most likely to have West Nile Virus. Mosquitoes who are still around in August are the ones who have been around all summer, for the first half of summer they spend their time biting birds who carry West Nile, and the second half of summer they will search for humans to feed on. This is why people need to be even more careful when they're going outside, because the West Nile threat is just beginning and will continue to grow once August gets here. Check out the article from the Star Tribune for more information: http://www.startribune.com/local/216519001.html?page=all&prepage=1&c=y#continue
Mosquito Squad can help keep you safe this August!! We can eliminate those pesky and dangerous -mosquitoes from your yard, so you don't have to worry and can enjoy your time outside. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) to protect you and your family for the rest of summer!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Importance of Mosquito Protection
Of course, mosquitoes are pesty insects that bite humans and leave itchy marks for days. But not many people know that the mosquito is the most deadly animal on the planet. It carries many different diseases that can affect people in different ways.
Malaria: This disease is no longer present in the United States, but around the world this is a very dangerous and fatal disease. It is a treatable disease, but a lot of countries where this occurs do not have the resources to help everyone who contracts this disease.

West Nile: Of course we have talked about this one before. 2012 was one of the worst years in the United States for the virus, and it may be hard to diagnose this virus without going to the doctor since the symptoms resemble typical sicknesses that could happen any day.
Dengue: This typically occurs in tropic areas, but there have been rare cases found in the United States. Usually starting with a high fever, this disease then causes severe muscle pain, headache, eye pain, and rashes.
Yellow Fever: This also is most common in tropic areas where mosquitoes are more likely to be found, and starts with simple symptoms, such as fever, pain, and vomiting. If it progresses to the second stage, this is much more dangerous and causes a higher fever, yellowing skin, and liver damage. This disease is pretty rare in the United States, but worldwide this disease causes 30,000 deaths a year.
As you can see, mosquitoes can cause a lot more harm then just some minor itching and red bumps. It can put any one in danger, so give Mosquito Squad a call today so we can start protecting you and your family from dangerous diseases this summer!
Malaria: This disease is no longer present in the United States, but around the world this is a very dangerous and fatal disease. It is a treatable disease, but a lot of countries where this occurs do not have the resources to help everyone who contracts this disease.
West Nile: Of course we have talked about this one before. 2012 was one of the worst years in the United States for the virus, and it may be hard to diagnose this virus without going to the doctor since the symptoms resemble typical sicknesses that could happen any day.
Dengue: This typically occurs in tropic areas, but there have been rare cases found in the United States. Usually starting with a high fever, this disease then causes severe muscle pain, headache, eye pain, and rashes.
Yellow Fever: This also is most common in tropic areas where mosquitoes are more likely to be found, and starts with simple symptoms, such as fever, pain, and vomiting. If it progresses to the second stage, this is much more dangerous and causes a higher fever, yellowing skin, and liver damage. This disease is pretty rare in the United States, but worldwide this disease causes 30,000 deaths a year.
As you can see, mosquitoes can cause a lot more harm then just some minor itching and red bumps. It can put any one in danger, so give Mosquito Squad a call today so we can start protecting you and your family from dangerous diseases this summer!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Could Mosquitoes Be Causing Childhood Obesity?
The study took two similar communities and used mosquito control in one of the communities and no mosquito control in the other community for one year, and then two years later, the communities switched roles, meaning the one who had no mosquito control the first year now received mosquito control and the community who had mosquito control the first year did not receive mosquito control. The study found that when the community used mosquito control, children were more likely to spend time outside. They also suggested ways to help control mosquitoes in a person's yard by eliminating standing water, and know that mosquito control treatments will not take care of every single mosquito in your yard.
If you and your children are unable to spend time outside due to the infestation of mosquitoes in your yard, give Mosquito Squad a call! We can treat your yard and eliminate 85-90% of those nasty mosquitoes, so you can enjoy your time outside without getting bit up or running the risk of catching a mosquito-borne disease. We want to help you and your family in any way we can, so give us a call today!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Are You A Mosquito Magnet?
The mosquitoes are awful this year, and some of you may be experiencing more mosquito bites than others. The Smithsonian has come up with a list of what attracts mosquitoes to more people.
1. Beer: Mosquitoes are attracted to ethanol and body heat, and even if you drink one beer, mosquitoes will be coming after you more than if you don't have any beer.
2. Exercise: Ethanol will also be released from your body when exercising due to the build up of lactic acid, and also because your body heat is likely to rise when exercising.
3. Pregnant Women: They also have a higher body heat and release 21% more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, another thing mosquitoes are attracted to.
4. Blood Type: People who have Type O blood type are the most likely to get bit, followed by Type B, and people who have Type A blood type are the least likely to get bit.
5. Clothes: Mosquitoes are attracted to people who are wearing darker colors, such as black or blue. Make sure to wear loose, light colored clothing so mosquitoes are not as attracted to you. Check out the full article from Kare 11 here: http://www.kare11.com/news/article/1032151/396/Whats-making-you-a-mosquito-magnet
As always, it's important to use a good bug repellant, but the most important thing to protect yourself is to give Mosquito Squad a call. We know exactly where mosquitoes like to hide and how to get rid of them so if you have any of these attractive factors, we can eliminate the mosquitoes from your yard so you don't have to worry anymore. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) today to start becoming unattractive to those nasty mosquitoes!!
1. Beer: Mosquitoes are attracted to ethanol and body heat, and even if you drink one beer, mosquitoes will be coming after you more than if you don't have any beer.
3. Pregnant Women: They also have a higher body heat and release 21% more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, another thing mosquitoes are attracted to.
4. Blood Type: People who have Type O blood type are the most likely to get bit, followed by Type B, and people who have Type A blood type are the least likely to get bit.
5. Clothes: Mosquitoes are attracted to people who are wearing darker colors, such as black or blue. Make sure to wear loose, light colored clothing so mosquitoes are not as attracted to you. Check out the full article from Kare 11 here: http://www.kare11.com/news/article/1032151/396/Whats-making-you-a-mosquito-magnet
As always, it's important to use a good bug repellant, but the most important thing to protect yourself is to give Mosquito Squad a call. We know exactly where mosquitoes like to hide and how to get rid of them so if you have any of these attractive factors, we can eliminate the mosquitoes from your yard so you don't have to worry anymore. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) today to start becoming unattractive to those nasty mosquitoes!!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Predicting West Nile Virus Communities
There's some research going on in Dallas, Texas looking at how researchers can predict where mosquitoes who are infected with west nile are most likely to hit. They look at mosquito samples throughout May to August each week, and when they find a batch of mosquitoes that are infected, they predict in a week or two that some people in that area will come down with West Nile Virus. They are usually correct, when a batch of mosquitoes is found with West Nile Virus, humans also contract the illness in a week or two. They also look at how the weather and temperature affects mosquito growth. Mosquitoes love hot humid weather, with standing water, so beware if you have standing water in your yard and get rid of it immediately. With all the research and data they have collected in the past year, they have found that the region of the country most likely to be hit by West Nile Virus is the Midwest - of course where we live. Check out more of the article here: http://www.healthline.com/health-news/aging-where-will-west-nile-virus-strike-this-year-071613
What the researchers recommend to keep you and your family safe is an active way to stop mosquitoes. First is to empty all standing water in your yard, or change it frequently if it is something like a bird bath or dog water. Second is to get the professionals to come out and help. That's where Mosquito Squad comes in! We want to help keep your family safe from West Nile by eliminating as many mosquitoes as we can. Since we live in a region where West Nile Virus may be in higher numbers, start to prevent it already by calling us and we can come out to your yard and spray for mosquitoes. Our barrier spray eliminates 85-90% of mosquitoes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483)!
What the researchers recommend to keep you and your family safe is an active way to stop mosquitoes. First is to empty all standing water in your yard, or change it frequently if it is something like a bird bath or dog water. Second is to get the professionals to come out and help. That's where Mosquito Squad comes in! We want to help keep your family safe from West Nile by eliminating as many mosquitoes as we can. Since we live in a region where West Nile Virus may be in higher numbers, start to prevent it already by calling us and we can come out to your yard and spray for mosquitoes. Our barrier spray eliminates 85-90% of mosquitoes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483)!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Mosquito Attractant
Summer is the perfect time to just sit outside when you get home from work and just enjoy a cold one. But did you know drinking beer may cause mosquitoes to be more attracted to you? Researchers have recently done a study on if mosquitoes really are more attracted to people who are drinking beer than those who are not drinking beer. There have been some articles posted that say there might be a link to drinking beer and mosquito attraction, but here is a study that proves beer drinkers may have to be more careful when they are outside.

Researchers took a group of 13 volunteers to be hosts and compared them with one man, who was the control group. It was found that after the volunteers had consumed 350 ml of beer, mosquitoes were significantly more likely to to land on them then before they consumed the beer. If you want to read more about the research article, click the link here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12083361
This study shows that those people who drink more beer should be cautious of the mosquitoes around them, as they may be more prone to get bit by mosquitoes infected with diseases. If you still want to enjoy a beer outside on the deck, then give us a call! Our barrier spray treatments eliminate up to 85-90% of mosquitoes, and this means that you can enjoy your beer worry free on your deck all summer long! Give us a call today to start enjoying your yard and beer again!
Researchers took a group of 13 volunteers to be hosts and compared them with one man, who was the control group. It was found that after the volunteers had consumed 350 ml of beer, mosquitoes were significantly more likely to to land on them then before they consumed the beer. If you want to read more about the research article, click the link here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12083361
This study shows that those people who drink more beer should be cautious of the mosquitoes around them, as they may be more prone to get bit by mosquitoes infected with diseases. If you still want to enjoy a beer outside on the deck, then give us a call! Our barrier spray treatments eliminate up to 85-90% of mosquitoes, and this means that you can enjoy your beer worry free on your deck all summer long! Give us a call today to start enjoying your yard and beer again!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Preventing Mosquitoes at Home
Want to learn effective ways to start eliminating mosquitoes right in your own home and backyard? We have a list of tips for you to follow to start to be mosquito-free:
- Limit Breeding Habitat: Mosquitoes don't travel very far after they are hatched, and they need standing water to breed and hatch, so start by eliminating and turning over anything that can hold standing water in your yard. Make sure to drain buckets, bird baths, and kids toys regularly so water can't build up in these areas.
- Prepare Indoor Defense: Make sure your screen doors do not have holes in them where mosquitoes can easily fly in and bother you inside as well. Also, make sure your indoor plants don't become breeding grounds for any mosquitoes that might sneak in your house. Make sure your plants are draining well and not producing standing water.
- Call in the Squad: There are so many ways that people have developed to keep mosquitoes away, from citronella candles to heavy bug spray, but no matter what you use, the infestation may be so bad that nothing will work. This is when it is time to give Mosquito Squad a call, where we know what to treat and what works best. We want to help you and your family stay mosquito and disease free all summer, so give us a call today at 507-367-2529 and don't forget to start practicing these tips right away to get a mosquito free yard!
- Limit Breeding Habitat: Mosquitoes don't travel very far after they are hatched, and they need standing water to breed and hatch, so start by eliminating and turning over anything that can hold standing water in your yard. Make sure to drain buckets, bird baths, and kids toys regularly so water can't build up in these areas.
- Prepare Indoor Defense: Make sure your screen doors do not have holes in them where mosquitoes can easily fly in and bother you inside as well. Also, make sure your indoor plants don't become breeding grounds for any mosquitoes that might sneak in your house. Make sure your plants are draining well and not producing standing water.
Friday, July 12, 2013
What Type of Chemicals Do You Use and Are They Safe?
If this sounds like a product that you would like to try, give us a call today! We would be more than happy to explain our barrier spray program to you or if you have a special event coming up, we want to help protect you and your family in a safe way!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
What Does Mosquito Squad Treat?
Another questions many people ask is what do you treat, the grass? The trees? Here's the answer: Mosquito Squad's trained technicians treat areas where mosquitoes and ticks breed, feed or rest. Treated surfaces include shrubbery, gardens, underneath decks, fences, the foundations of houses, tall grasses and low hanging vegetation. Not only are our technicians trained in accordance with local and state requirements, but our in-house program educates them on conditions and situations that are specific to mosquito and tick breeding. Due to this specific training, they are experts in mosquito and tick elimination.
As you can see, when we treat your yard we are experts. And all of our chemicals are registered with the EPA and friendly to use with pets, kids and plants, but if you don't want something sprayed, just let us know and we will happily oblige to what you want. Give us a call today to learn how the experts can help treat your yard!
As you can see, when we treat your yard we are experts. And all of our chemicals are registered with the EPA and friendly to use with pets, kids and plants, but if you don't want something sprayed, just let us know and we will happily oblige to what you want. Give us a call today to learn how the experts can help treat your yard!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Cost of A Vacation vs. Mosquito Squad Cost
Of course, everyone wants to go on a vacation, but why not have your own vacation right in your mosquito-free backyard for less than the cost of a vacation? Let's look at traveling to Wisconsin Dells for a weekend and a family of 4:
With gas as expensive as it is, that's going to cost you about $40-$45 alone.
Hotel for Friday and Saturday night.............................. Around $80 a night
Admission per person for Waterpark...................................... $30-$40
Average Cost for Breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning........ $45
Average Cost for Saturday Lunch................................................ $40
Average Cost for Friday & Saturday Supper................................$70
Total of Entire Trip Before Tax............................................ Around $495
Now, for the price of 18 weeks of protection from adult mosquitoes AND ticks for a .5 acre yard or less................. $399 before tax
I don't know about you, but having a mosquito free yard for that kind of price would definitely make me want to stay at home! And you can save almost $100, with that you could build your own vacation in your backyard!! So give us a call today and let us bring the vacation to your backyard!
With gas as expensive as it is, that's going to cost you about $40-$45 alone.
Hotel for Friday and Saturday night.............................. Around $80 a night
Admission per person for Waterpark...................................... $30-$40
Average Cost for Breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning........ $45
Average Cost for Saturday Lunch................................................ $40
Average Cost for Friday & Saturday Supper................................$70
Total of Entire Trip Before Tax............................................ Around $495
Now, for the price of 18 weeks of protection from adult mosquitoes AND ticks for a .5 acre yard or less................. $399 before tax
I don't know about you, but having a mosquito free yard for that kind of price would definitely make me want to stay at home! And you can save almost $100, with that you could build your own vacation in your backyard!! So give us a call today and let us bring the vacation to your backyard!
How Does Mosquito Squad Control Ticks?
This is a common question we get from many of our customers, so here is the answer. Our barrier spray applications used to treat for adult mosquitoes is also effective in controlling adult ticks. Additionally, we also provide an extensive tick management system with tick tubes for extra tick control. Tick tubes eliminate nymphal stage ticks and are most effective when placed in the spring and summer.
As you can see, Mosquito Squad provides much more protection against different kinds of insects and pests than just mosquitoes. We want to help protect you from not only mosquitoes but also ticks, since they carry dangerous diseases as well. Give us a call at 877-239-BITE (2483) to learn more about mosquito and tick control, or visit us online at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/
As you can see, Mosquito Squad provides much more protection against different kinds of insects and pests than just mosquitoes. We want to help protect you from not only mosquitoes but also ticks, since they carry dangerous diseases as well. Give us a call at 877-239-BITE (2483) to learn more about mosquito and tick control, or visit us online at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Mosquitoes Everywhere

Monday, July 8, 2013
West Nile Virus is Coming...
Just what everyone wants to hear... West Nile Virus is coming. The virus usually doesn't show up until mid-July and August, which is quickly approaching. The mosquitoes that are out before this time are just pest mosquitoes and everyone knows they have been out in full force. Since the pest mosquitoes have already been terrible, don't let the mosquitoes that carry the virus come after you. In Minnesota, it has been found that the West Nile Virus has been present in batches of mosquitoes, just found in the past week. There has not been any recorded human case of West Nile Virus yet in Minnesota, but it could happen soon due to the virus found in mosquitoes. The article from Minnesota Public Radio can be found here with more information: http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2013/07/04/health/west-nile-virus-mosquitoes
Mosquito Squad wants to help protect you from West Nile Virus and other diseases mosquitoes may carry. The first thing we recommend is to get rid of any water in your yard, this will get rid of breeding grounds for mosquitoes and get them out of your yard. The second thing we recommend is giving us a call or visiting us online at SE MN Mosquito Squad. We provide a barrier spray that can eliminate mosquitoes from your yard and keep you and your family disease free for the summer. We want you to stay safe and have fun the rest of summer, so give us a call today and we can tell you how we can help!
Mosquito Squad wants to help protect you from West Nile Virus and other diseases mosquitoes may carry. The first thing we recommend is to get rid of any water in your yard, this will get rid of breeding grounds for mosquitoes and get them out of your yard. The second thing we recommend is giving us a call or visiting us online at SE MN Mosquito Squad. We provide a barrier spray that can eliminate mosquitoes from your yard and keep you and your family disease free for the summer. We want you to stay safe and have fun the rest of summer, so give us a call today and we can tell you how we can help!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Happy 4th of July!!
Everyone's favorite summer holiday is almost here! 4th of July is tomorrow and everyone is excited to get off work and spend time outside! The weather will be perfect to spend it on a lake, camping, or by a bonfire. But don't forget about those pesky mosquitoes that are sure to bother you if you don't stay protected. Make sure to get rid of any standing water where you are, since that is where mosquitoes breed, and make sure to wear bug repellant with DEET in it. Also, make sure to wear loose, light colored clothes when spending time outside, especially around dawn or dusk. But most importantly, just have fun spending this holiday with family and friends, eating good food and wearing red white and blue!! Mosquito Squad and Dread Skeeter want to wish all of you a Happy and Safe 4th of July!!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Mythbusting Mosquito Repellants
Experts say to be smart when you are outside and to use DEET spray to repel mosquitoes and this is the most effective way. At Mosquito Squad, we also provide an effective way to keep mosquitoes away with our barrier spray programs. These barrier sprays last 21 days, and eliminate up to 85-90% of mosquitoes in your yard. We want to help protect you for a long time, so you can enjoy your yard with a satisfaction guarantee, instead of giving those household items a chance. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) so we can start protecting you today!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Mosquito Activities for Kids
With it being Mosquito Control Awareness Week, why not get the kids involved and teach them early on about mosquitoes and how to avoid them. Check out the website provided to view activities for kids from coloring pages to crossword puzzles to all kinds of information on mosquitoes. http://www.mosquito.org/assets/AwarenessWeek/educationalpacket.pdf

This packet could not only be informative to the kids, but also adults and parents! There's so many things about mosquitoes don't know about, like how they are the deadliest animal on earth and they need standing water to breed, and when there's standing water, there's going to be loads of mosquitoes. To get even more control over the mosquitoes in your yard, contact us today at the SE MN Mosquito Squad, where we offer a season of barrier protection, extra tick protection, all-natural choices, and protection for your special events. So check out the fun activities and give us a call today so you can be mosquito free!
This packet could not only be informative to the kids, but also adults and parents! There's so many things about mosquitoes don't know about, like how they are the deadliest animal on earth and they need standing water to breed, and when there's standing water, there's going to be loads of mosquitoes. To get even more control over the mosquitoes in your yard, contact us today at the SE MN Mosquito Squad, where we offer a season of barrier protection, extra tick protection, all-natural choices, and protection for your special events. So check out the fun activities and give us a call today so you can be mosquito free!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Mosquito Control Awareness Week
June 23-June 29 is Mosquito Control Awareness Week sponsored by the American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) and the goal is to "educate the general public about the significance of mosquitoes in their daily lives and the important service provided by mosquito control workers." Living in Minnesota, we know how annoying mosquitoes get when the weather gets hot and we want to enjoy our time outside. Mosquitoes bother us and leave itchy, red bites that are annoying for a few days. But mosquitoes also pose a bigger problem that many people are unaware of. Many people are unaware that mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on earth, which surprises most people considering how small they are. But they carry dangerous diseases such as West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Dengue Fever, and Malaria. Although Malaria is not a problem in the United States anymore, around the world this kills millions of people each day.
To help protect you and your family this week and the rest of summer, we want to give you some tips to help control mosquitoes and protect you. Mosquitoes are active around dusk and dawn, so try to wear mosquito spray that contains DEET and long sleeves and pants that are light colored. Also, dump any standing water you have in your yard, as this is prime breeding grounds for mosquitoes and they usually do not travel far from their breeding areas.
Finally, give us a call to give you the ultimate protection. We offer a professional barrier spray that protects you and your family all summer long if you sign up for a season. These sprays last for 21 days and eliminate up to 85-90% of mosquitoes. Please give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) so we can help control your yard during this Mosquito Control Awareness Week!!
To help protect you and your family this week and the rest of summer, we want to give you some tips to help control mosquitoes and protect you. Mosquitoes are active around dusk and dawn, so try to wear mosquito spray that contains DEET and long sleeves and pants that are light colored. Also, dump any standing water you have in your yard, as this is prime breeding grounds for mosquitoes and they usually do not travel far from their breeding areas.
Finally, give us a call to give you the ultimate protection. We offer a professional barrier spray that protects you and your family all summer long if you sign up for a season. These sprays last for 21 days and eliminate up to 85-90% of mosquitoes. Please give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) so we can help control your yard during this Mosquito Control Awareness Week!!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Summer Is Here!
I think some people thought it was never going to come and get warm, but it is officially the first day of summer today! Summer came in with a bang today, I'm sure many people were woken up by the thunderstorms we experienced early this morning. With the storms arriving this weekend and the temperatures really starting to warm up, it's time to look out for mosquitoes. The rain from the storms is sure to make some standing water in your yard, so help get rid of mosquitoes first by tipping over any standing water, especially after big rain storms. Mosquitoes love standing water and this is where they lay their eggs and if you have a lot of standing water in your yard, you better be ready for lots of mosquitoes.
With the storms and rain and humid, warm temperatures, don't let those mosquitoes keep you out of your yard. Give the Southeast Minnesota Mosquito Squad a call! We can help eliminate those pests from your backyard so you can enjoy summer! Mosquitoes also pose the risk of carrying dangerous diseases, like West Nile Virus. We want to help protect you and your family, so you can enjoy your backyard worry free. So give us a call today, at 877-239-BITE (2483) and let us give you the perfect, bug-free backyard for summer!
With the storms and rain and humid, warm temperatures, don't let those mosquitoes keep you out of your yard. Give the Southeast Minnesota Mosquito Squad a call! We can help eliminate those pests from your backyard so you can enjoy summer! Mosquitoes also pose the risk of carrying dangerous diseases, like West Nile Virus. We want to help protect you and your family, so you can enjoy your backyard worry free. So give us a call today, at 877-239-BITE (2483) and let us give you the perfect, bug-free backyard for summer!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
4th of July is Coming!
Everyone's favorite summertime holiday is coming... 4th of July! This means grilling outside, playing fun games, and sitting around a fire at night. No other holiday in summer is like this, and there's even fireworks bursting with beautiful colors at night as well!
But being outside all day and night does have a downfall - mosquitoes. These pests don't realize that we don't want to invite them to our parties, and there's no way to tell them to leave once they arrive! That's where Mosquito Squad comes in! Invite us before you have your fun summer gatherings so we can eliminate those mosquitoes so they don't crash your party at all. We offer a barrier spray that will help keep you and your guests comfortable and to not worry about those pesky mosquitoes and the diseases they may carry.
Want some ideas on how you can celebrate 4th of July? Here are some of our ideas!
Food:Easy dishes are what most people look for, so try some of these - put watermelon in a patriotic plastic or paper cup with some crumbled blue cheese for a healthy red, white, and blue treat. For dessert, use star shaped cookies and cut out the middle. Bake them halfway, then take crushed up red and blue hard candies, such as jolly ranchers or life savers, and put them in the middle of the cookie and finish baking. You'll have red, white, and blue treats for everyone to enjoy!
Decor:Of course, everyone knows the perfect decor for 4th of July is anything red, white, and blue and sticking flags anywhere, but why not mix it up a bit with some cool ideas? For a fun table cloth, put down a big white plastic table cloth, and grab strips of red and blue crepe paper and weave them together, then tape them on the white table cloth for a fun, cheap tablecloth.
Last, But Not Least: Don't forget to invite us at Mosquito Squad! We want you to be able to enjoy this summer holiday to the fullest, so give us a call at 877-236-BITE (2483) and we can help eliminate those pesky mosquitoes!
For more fun 4th of July ideas, check out the website here! http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/holidays/4th-july-ideas/fourth-of-july-decorations#slide-6
But being outside all day and night does have a downfall - mosquitoes. These pests don't realize that we don't want to invite them to our parties, and there's no way to tell them to leave once they arrive! That's where Mosquito Squad comes in! Invite us before you have your fun summer gatherings so we can eliminate those mosquitoes so they don't crash your party at all. We offer a barrier spray that will help keep you and your guests comfortable and to not worry about those pesky mosquitoes and the diseases they may carry.
Want some ideas on how you can celebrate 4th of July? Here are some of our ideas!
Food:Easy dishes are what most people look for, so try some of these - put watermelon in a patriotic plastic or paper cup with some crumbled blue cheese for a healthy red, white, and blue treat. For dessert, use star shaped cookies and cut out the middle. Bake them halfway, then take crushed up red and blue hard candies, such as jolly ranchers or life savers, and put them in the middle of the cookie and finish baking. You'll have red, white, and blue treats for everyone to enjoy!
Decor:Of course, everyone knows the perfect decor for 4th of July is anything red, white, and blue and sticking flags anywhere, but why not mix it up a bit with some cool ideas? For a fun table cloth, put down a big white plastic table cloth, and grab strips of red and blue crepe paper and weave them together, then tape them on the white table cloth for a fun, cheap tablecloth.
Last, But Not Least: Don't forget to invite us at Mosquito Squad! We want you to be able to enjoy this summer holiday to the fullest, so give us a call at 877-236-BITE (2483) and we can help eliminate those pesky mosquitoes!
For more fun 4th of July ideas, check out the website here! http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/holidays/4th-july-ideas/fourth-of-july-decorations#slide-6
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Warmer Weather Means Playing Outside More!
Don't forget to invite us before you start playing these games! No one wants to be getting bit up while they are playing outside, so let us take care of the mosquitoes so you can enjoy your yard! Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) for more information on how we can eliminate mosquitoes from your yard, so you can enjoy your yard at any time!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Spring Showers Bring More Mosquitoes
Now that it is finally getting warm out, we know everyone will be wanting to spend time outdoors, but not with mosquitoes! Give the SE MN Mosquito Squad a call, so we can eliminate those pesky mosquitoes from your yard and let you have an enjoyable time outdoors. We offer barrier spray programs which eliminate 85-90% of mosquitoes on contact and keeps them away up to 3 weeks! Call us at 877-239-BITE (2483) if you have an outdoor event or to enjoy your backyard, so you don't have to worry and you can enjoy your precious time outside!
Friday, June 14, 2013
More Mosquitoes Coming Your Way
Just what everyone does NOT want to hear... Big Mosquito Brood Hatched Overnight. With all the rain we had the past few days and then the nice days we are finally having now, it is the perfect storm for mosquito hatching. Mosquito larvae is found in areas of standing water, and once the weather warms up they are ready to hatch and wreak havoc on anyone standing in their way. With all the rain we have had this spring, there are plenty of areas with standing water where mosquitoes have laid their eggs and are now hatching. Kare 11 has the video and story here: http://www.kare11.com/news/article/1028866/14/Bust-out-the-bug-spray-Big-mosquito-brood-hatched
Mosquito Squad wants to help you from becoming prey to this new batch of mosquitoes! We like to practice the 5 T's and pass it on to others so they can eliminate mosquitoes from their backyard:
1. TIP: tip over anything that might contain standing water, mosquitoes don't need a big area to breed and lay eggs, so reduce mosquitoes in your yard by tipping over sand toys, buckets, and change dog bowl water at least once a week.
2. TOSS: remove excess clutter such as grass clippings or leaves where mosquitoes like to hide.
3. TURN: objects should be turned over to avoid more standing water and to avoid mosquito breeding grounds.
4. REMOVE TARPS: make sure tarps or other coverings you have in your yard are tight, so they don't collect water when it rains.
5. TREAT: Call the experts at Mosquito Squad! We can help you eliminate mosquitoes in your backyard so you can enjoy your time outside without always being swarmed. When it's nice out, people want to be spending it outside and not worrying about getting bit and being itchy and red. Give us a call today so we can help you fight against this big mosquito brood!
Mosquito Squad wants to help you from becoming prey to this new batch of mosquitoes! We like to practice the 5 T's and pass it on to others so they can eliminate mosquitoes from their backyard:
2. TOSS: remove excess clutter such as grass clippings or leaves where mosquitoes like to hide.
3. TURN: objects should be turned over to avoid more standing water and to avoid mosquito breeding grounds.
4. REMOVE TARPS: make sure tarps or other coverings you have in your yard are tight, so they don't collect water when it rains.
5. TREAT: Call the experts at Mosquito Squad! We can help you eliminate mosquitoes in your backyard so you can enjoy your time outside without always being swarmed. When it's nice out, people want to be spending it outside and not worrying about getting bit and being itchy and red. Give us a call today so we can help you fight against this big mosquito brood!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Landscaping Ideas That Keep Ticks Away

Although these are some good tips to keep ticks away from you and to make your yard look better, this will not eliminate ticks completely like Mosquito Squad can. With our barrier sprays, this kills adult ticks and tick tubes are helpful to eliminate ticks in the nymph stage. Combining these tips and using Mosquito Squad, we can help you get a tick free yard, so you can enjoy your time outside without having to worry about checking yourself for ticks and worrying about the nasty diseases they can carry. Contact us today for more information on how to eliminate ticks in your yard!!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Mosquitoes are Really Starting to Come
With this cool spring and all the rain we have been getting, people have noticed a delay in mosquitoes coming out. Usually mosquitoes are out by Memorial Day, but a lot of people said they did not see a lot then. Now the tides have turned. I hear people every day complain about how much mosquitoes there are now. Once the temperatures start to warm up and the rain stops, that's when the mosquitoes start to develop. Researchers are also saying that we are seeing more mosquitoes because they are all developing at the same time, causing adult mosquito levels to elevate. Kare 11 has more of the story here: http://www.kare11.com/news/article/1028750/396/Metro-starts-to-see-elevated-numbers-of-mosquitoes
Elevated levels of adult mosquitoes means more people are going to be miserable and not want to spend time outside when it finally does get nice out. We don't want the mosquitoes to ruin your precious time outside, so give us a call! We can eliminate up to 85-90% of the mosquitoes in your backyard, so you can enjoy your time without worrying about spraying yourself down with bug repellant or getting those nasty, itchy red bumps. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) or visit us at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/, so we can help you take back your yard today!
Elevated levels of adult mosquitoes means more people are going to be miserable and not want to spend time outside when it finally does get nice out. We don't want the mosquitoes to ruin your precious time outside, so give us a call! We can eliminate up to 85-90% of the mosquitoes in your backyard, so you can enjoy your time without worrying about spraying yourself down with bug repellant or getting those nasty, itchy red bumps. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) or visit us at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/, so we can help you take back your yard today!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
First West Nile Human Fatality in 2013
We know that batches of mosquitoes and dead birds have been testing positive for West Nile, and there have been 3 known human cases already this year, one of those resulting in death. A man from California died over the weekend and doctors say he tested positive for West Nile earlier in the year. Although most people usually do not show symptoms when they are infected with this virus or the symptoms are viewed as common illnesses, such as headache, fever, and body aches, it is important to know those symptoms and go see a doctor. These symptoms could result in more severe symptoms and cause more damage to the body. It is important to recognize these symptoms and seek help if you can so the virus does not progress. Here is the article for more information on West Nile and the case in California: http://www.sacbee.com/2013/06/09/5482701/sacramento-county-reports-first.html
The article gives some recommendations on how to stay protected from mosquitoes such as staying inside near dusk and using repellant with DEET. Although these will help you, why not let the SE MN Mosquito Squad help you even more by eliminating up to 85-90% of mosquitoes in your yard. We care about your protection and want you to be able your time outside to the fullest. If you want to learn more about our barrier spray program and how we can protect you, give us a call at 877-239-BITE (2483)!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Tick Identification
More tick information coming your way! This tick season has barely started but it has been awful so far. I have heard so many people say they have picked many ticks off of themselves, and often times they say they have to pick at least 5 off when they have spent time outside. That is awful, no one wants to have this little things crawling all over you, and even though they are tiny, they can have a big bite that will give some people some nasty diseases. And these are only the stories you hear about people, for animals it could be much worse since they can't check themselves. This is why it is important for people to check their animals after they have been outside near a place where ticks might breed. Ticks are more likely to latch on to dogs who like to roam around in the woods, and this could cause serious danger if the dog has not been vaccinated. Find out more about Lyme Disease, ticks and the Lyme Disease threat in the area that you live at this website. http://www.lymeinfo.com/index.html
We want to help you and your pets this tick season by protecting you and keeping you safe, without having to worry every time you go outside. Our barrier sprays kill ticks and for more protection, we provide tick tubes to really eliminate the ticks in your yard. Give us a call at 877-239-BITE (2483) or visit us online at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/
We want to help you and your pets this tick season by protecting you and keeping you safe, without having to worry every time you go outside. Our barrier sprays kill ticks and for more protection, we provide tick tubes to really eliminate the ticks in your yard. Give us a call at 877-239-BITE (2483) or visit us online at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/
Thursday, June 6, 2013
A Tick Here, A Tick There...
Locals are now beginning to realize how bad this tick season is going to be. People are finding ticks all over themselves, when they have barely been outside in a place where ticks are usually found. Once a person finds a tick on themselves, they start to feel like ticks are roaming all over their bodies, and no one wants that feeling. This slightly humorous local newspaper article talks about how bad this wood tick season might really be and some ways to protect yourself against ticks. Wood ticks are tiny and ugly, but they are very dangerous too because they might carry tick-borne diseases. Lyme disease is the most common, and can cause very severe problems to the joints, nerves, and heart, and many times symptoms are just overlooked. Check out the whole article here to read more. http://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/jen-s-world-news-to-make-our-skin-crawl-it/article_acecb008-0165-58c8-95de-4fe409844394.html
Even though there are some tips to protect you from ticks at the bottom of this article, at Mosquito Squad we can work with you to eliminate ticks from your yard, so you don't even have to worry about them. Our barrier spray program helps keep ticks out or for even more protection, you can try our tick tubes, which will give you even more protection against those nasty little creatures. Give us a call at 507-367-2529 or 877-239-BITE (2483) or visit us at southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/. We want to help protect you and keep you, your family, and your pets safe this tick season!
Even though there are some tips to protect you from ticks at the bottom of this article, at Mosquito Squad we can work with you to eliminate ticks from your yard, so you don't even have to worry about them. Our barrier spray program helps keep ticks out or for even more protection, you can try our tick tubes, which will give you even more protection against those nasty little creatures. Give us a call at 507-367-2529 or 877-239-BITE (2483) or visit us at southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/. We want to help protect you and keep you, your family, and your pets safe this tick season!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
What Really Attracts Mosquitoes to People

No one really wants to say that they attract mosquitoes, they would rather attract other things! If you want to get rid of your mosquito attraction, give us a call 507-367-2529 or visit us at southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
First Positive Test for West Nile of the Year
The Illinois Department of Health was testing mosquito batches and found it's first positive case of the year for the West Nile Virus on May 21, 2013. In 2012, we had one of the worst years with the West Nile virus, and the Department of Health is hoping this year will not be a repeat. West Nile Virus is spread through the bite of a mosquito who has previously bitten an infected bird. Symptoms of West Nile resemble common illnesses, such as headache, nausea, and fever, although many people do not even show symptoms. In rare cases, more severe illnesses may occur, so that is why it is important to treat this right away and do the right thing to keep this virus away. Here is the article for more information: http://mystateline.com/fulltext-news?nxd_id=401872.
At Mosquito Squad, our number one priority is our customers and their enjoyment and health. We want you to be able to enjoy being outside without having to worry about mosquitoes that might carry dangerous infections and viruses. Stay protected with us, and eliminate those pesky insects from your yard so you can enjoy yourself and the outdoors, and keep your loved ones safe. Call us at 877-239-BITE (2483) or visit us at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/.
At Mosquito Squad, our number one priority is our customers and their enjoyment and health. We want you to be able to enjoy being outside without having to worry about mosquitoes that might carry dangerous infections and viruses. Stay protected with us, and eliminate those pesky insects from your yard so you can enjoy yourself and the outdoors, and keep your loved ones safe. Call us at 877-239-BITE (2483) or visit us at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Mosquito Fact Monday!
Do Mosquitoes Need Bodies of Water to Breed?
Mosquitoes need standing water to hatch eggs, and this can be done in an area as small as a bottle cap or tablespoon of water. Mosquitoes don't need ponds or drainage ditches, they can hatch in places right in your back yard, like gutters, plant containers, or kid pools. To avoid helping these mosquitoes grow and hatch eggs, practice the 5 T's for a mosquito free yard!
1. Tip: Tip over items that hold standing water to avoid mosquito breeding areas.
2. Toss: Remove excess grass, leaves, etc. in your yard, these areas are prime breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
3. Turn: Turn over large yard items that hold water.
4. Remove Tarps: Make sure tarps are tight if they are stretched over something to avoid mosquito breeding grounds, try to remove sitting water every week.
5. Treat: This is where Mosquito Squad comes in, call us for a Barrier Spray program to help eliminate up to 85-90% of mosquitoes from your yard! This will help eliminate the need for you to use annoying bug sprays or those annoying bug bites.
Give us a call or look us up on the web so we can help you achieve a mosquito free yard and enjoy the outdoors again!
Mosquitoes need standing water to hatch eggs, and this can be done in an area as small as a bottle cap or tablespoon of water. Mosquitoes don't need ponds or drainage ditches, they can hatch in places right in your back yard, like gutters, plant containers, or kid pools. To avoid helping these mosquitoes grow and hatch eggs, practice the 5 T's for a mosquito free yard!
1. Tip: Tip over items that hold standing water to avoid mosquito breeding areas.
2. Toss: Remove excess grass, leaves, etc. in your yard, these areas are prime breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
3. Turn: Turn over large yard items that hold water.
4. Remove Tarps: Make sure tarps are tight if they are stretched over something to avoid mosquito breeding grounds, try to remove sitting water every week.
5. Treat: This is where Mosquito Squad comes in, call us for a Barrier Spray program to help eliminate up to 85-90% of mosquitoes from your yard! This will help eliminate the need for you to use annoying bug sprays or those annoying bug bites.
Give us a call or look us up on the web so we can help you achieve a mosquito free yard and enjoy the outdoors again!
Friday, May 31, 2013
FAQ Friday
How Does Mosquito Squad Control Mosquitoes?
During your first treatment, our technicians treat standing water pools and any other potential mosquito breeding sites with larvacide to eliminate any existing larvae and prevent future larvae. Then our technicians will treat the yard to eradicate any adult mosquitoes and ticks currently in your yard and build a barrier against any mosquitoes that enter your yard after treatment. A technician will then return to your property approximately every 21 days to maintain the barrier against mosquitoes and ticks.
So give us a call today if you want to eliminate mosquitoes and ticks from your yard!
So give us a call today if you want to eliminate mosquitoes and ticks from your yard!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Mosquito Home Remedies? Avoid These!
I was doing some research on the Internet yesterday when I came upon some "home remedies" to relieve mosquito bites. Some of the ones I saw were just bizarre, like nail polish or nail polish remover? I don't think I want to rub that or continue smelling like that throughout the day. Also, raw onion?! Again, people don't want to be smelling like onions all day, so I think I will be skipping that one as well. Why not just avoid mosquito bites in the first place by calling Mosquito Squad. At Mosquito Squad, we can eliminate up to 85-90% of mosquitoes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Skip those silly "home remedies" that are probably only effective for a short amount of time, and give us a call at 877-239-BITE (2483) or visit us online, Southeast Minnesota Mosquito Squad!
Here's the list of 14 home remedies if you want to check them out http://www.ayurvedicnaturalcure.com/14-quick-fix-home-remedies-for-mosquito-bites/
Here's the list of 14 home remedies if you want to check them out http://www.ayurvedicnaturalcure.com/14-quick-fix-home-remedies-for-mosquito-bites/
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month
Even though we had a late start to spring, that's not stopping the ticks from coming out in full force. Ticks are carriers of Lyme Disease, which is a bacteria disease that causes rashes and many other complications if not taken care of right away. Lyme Disease has been increasing rapidly in the United States throughout the past few years, and many people are not aware they might have Lyme Disease right away. Be careful when spending time outside, especially in wooded areas where ticks thrive and make sure to look yourself over for any ticks that might have clung on to you while you were outside. Since May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, try your knowledge with this quiz on Lyme Disease! http://mosquito-control-blog.com/2013/05/01/lyme-disease-awareness-month-is-in-full-swing/
Mosquito Squad would like to help you and protect you from Lyme Disease with their tick control solutions, which can greatly decrease the tick population in your area. For more information, visit us at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/ or give us a call at 877-239-BITE (2483).
Mosquito Squad would like to help you and protect you from Lyme Disease with their tick control solutions, which can greatly decrease the tick population in your area. For more information, visit us at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/ or give us a call at 877-239-BITE (2483).
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Warning!! Approaching 'High-Risk' Tick Season!

To learn more about Mosquito Squad and how we can help keep ticks and mosquitoes away, contact the Southeast Minnesota Mosquito Squad today at 877-239-BITE (2483) or visit us on our website at http://southeast-minnesota.mosquitosquad.com/
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Mosquito Season Upon Us!!
The weather is getting warmer and that means more people will be spending time outside... That also means mosquitoes will be coming out to bother us as well. But don't let that get you down! Mosquito Squad is here to help, with our barrier season spray protection or our misting system. Mosquito Squad takes pride in helping eliminate mosquitoes in your yard, so you can enjoy fun activities without having to worry about those pesky insects or loading down with bug spray. We also provide event sprays for your special day, whether it be a graduation party or a wedding, we want you to have your special day without any worries of bothersome bugs. So call us today at 877-239-BITE (2483) and check out this article that tells you more about our company!!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
We're launching our first ever Mosquito Squad Service Day on April 26th. Aligned with our mission of outdoor living, we will be planting trees in our local community. Please help us beautify our local community by suggesting organizations that could use our help. dbuchanan@mosquitosquad.com
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