holidays are typically a time for peace and love and family
togetherness. But for some, it's also a time of lots of decorating,
baking, and frantic gift-finding. We would like to offer one bit of help
in this area with a gift idea for that person who's impossible to buy
for. We're offering $50 gift certificates which are good for one 21-day spray
of their yard (up to 1 acre)! Buy for as many people as you like; this
deal is good for any home in our region of southeast Minnesota! Call us
or respond to this email for more information or to purchase
certificates. There's nothing better than sharing your love for your
yard with someone else, and once they see the difference we can bring to
their outdoor experience, they'll be hooked!
Dan Buchanan
Mosquito Squad of Southeast Minnesota
877-239-2483 / dbuchanan@mosquitosquad.com
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